Fourth Quarter Report Letter:12-28-23

Attached is a written update to send to the people who supported First Principles (FP) over the past 30+ years beginning in 1991, I thought I would send along the report and comments to you as well.

Dr. Jeffrey continues the work of FP, amid her daily work to preserve the history and research, there remain issues that need updating – like how did state laws change (1960-80) based on junk science (sound familiar) to accommodate “sexual freedom” thereby unbinding human beings from biological constraint, with the latest iteration being uncoupling from one’s biological sex. 

That old devil John Money would be so proud to see where his sex change clinical procedures (done on children at Johns Hopkins mid-20th century) have come to today. Such progress!  Puberty blockers and genital mutilation for children at public expense – euphemistically called “trans” in the public arena.

The library exists because of Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.”

There is nothing new in this world, just new to the young and ignorant and, as Ron said, to know the hell of war is better read about in books than to learn by experience. Books are present helps from the past to confirm the truth of God’s word. The principles of Godly living are messages written on pages illustrating said principles in the actions of other men’s lives. History is His Story after all.   

After taking care of Ron for nearly a decade and it’s now three and a half years since he died, I am working to confirm addresses for supporters Ron conversed with routinely. Sadly for me, I too often find only their obituaries. Many of these “supporters” were fellows in the fight for our nation’s Godly heritage. They stood shoulder and jowl in the phalanx marching onward to Zion. 

I want to tell those who remain that the work is being carried on and the books now comprise a growing research library. Our adversaries carry on generation to generation; we must also. At their dinner tables they talk of the war against God, passing it to their children and teaching them in their elite schools. As God said in Psalm 2, the rebellion continues today:  

“Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.”

One unsung heroine in the effort was Linda Jeffrey. Her discoveries were explosive, uncovering serious fraud, crime, abuse of power and so much more. 

Those discoveries should not be lost nor have to be rediscovered by those in the future called to the fight in the Kingdom on Earth so it might be as in Heaven. All of this work over 30 years is in the “fighting” archive backed up by the books of the library being scanned and uploaded as we speak. Linda is “training” AI Dewey Dudley to respond accurately to queries based on the archive and book collection.

Thank you for being a part of it all. The library is a nod to Ron and his vision to prepare leaders (who knew who they were in Christ and as Americans) to set their faces like flint toward the enemies of God in this nation.  Happy new year! 

Love and Respect, 


Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fiftieth Anniversary Remembrance of the Vietnam War

Frankfort, Kentucky, September 25, 2014

On September 25, 2014, I was privileged to hear journalist Joe Galloway speak at The Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Frankfort, Kentucky, where 500 veterans, family and supporters gathered to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.

Joe was with General Hal Moore during the 34-day campaign in the La Drang Valley in November 1965. The Bardstown, Kentucky-born Moore commanded the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment. He, Galloway and some 450 soldiers were dropped by helicopter into a hot LZ (landing zone) only to be quickly surrounded by 2000 North Vietnamese soldiers.

The helicopter was the new mount many of us rode into battle. In fact, the war’s entire soundtrack could be said to be the percussive beating, not the cavalry’s hooves on the ground, but the whoomp-whoomp sound of Huey helicopter blades cutting through the air.

Joe Galloway reported on la Drang, an early signal battle of the Vietnam War. Together, Joe and Hal wrote the history of that battle described as a “love” story “told in our own words and by our own actions.”

The prologue to their much heralded and lauded book, “We Were Soldiers Once … And Young,” gives an insight to the time and the men who served in Vietnam:

“We were the children of the 1950s and we went where we were sent because we loved our country. We were draftees, most of us, but we were proud of the opportunity to serve that country just as our fathers had served in World War II and our older brothers in Korea. We were members of an elite, experimental combat division trained in the new art of airmobile warfare at the behest of President John F. Kennedy … Kennedy told the world that Americans would “pay the price, bear any burden, meet any hardship” in defense of freedom. We were the down payment on that costly contract, but the man who signed it was not there when we fulfilled his promise. John F Kennedy waited for us on a hill in Arlington National Cemetery, and in a time we came by the thousands to full those slopes with out white marble markers and to ask on the murmur of the wind if that was truly the future he had envisioned for us.”

Moore and his 1st Calvary Division’s heroism and courage were later depicted in the 2002 Mel Gibson film, “We Were Soldiers” and Joe Galloway is portrayed by Barry Pepper as the journalist at la Drang. Mel, of course, portrays then Lt. Col. Hal Moore.

Since our chance meeting many years before at the Air Force Academy, Hal always referred to me as his “Marine friend.” I was delighted when he sent me a prepress copy of We Were Soldiers Once and Young and I read it eagerly.

Over the intervening years, there are many Vietnam memories and impressions I have sorted through since my service in 1967-68.

While coming home is different for us all whether we write books poems, become selfish or dedicated, sober or drugged and homeless, I came to terms with coming home from Vietnam by organizing and leading the Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund with a mission to build a memorial for all those Kentuckians who didn’t return from that misunderstood war. The memorial was finished 26 years ago and dedicated on November 11, 1988.

There were many people who added value to the process. However, it was a great pleasure to work with Helm Roberts who considered the memorial to be his “legacy as an architect.” Online, Helm is quoted telling an interviewer before his death in 2011 at the age of 80, “It’s what I will be remembered for.”

“Helm was a Naval Aviator veteran. He designed the Memorial as a labor of love, and it is a masterpiece of mathematics as well as design. The memorial is in the form of a large sundial. The stainless steel gnomon casts it shadow upon a granite plaza. There are 1,103 names on the memorial, including 23 missing in action. Each name is engraved into the plaza, and placed so that the tip of the gnomon’s shadow touches his name on the anniversary of his death, thus giving each fallen veteran a personal Memorial Day. Helm fixed the location of each name mathematically by the date of casualty, the geographic location of the memorial, the height of the gnomon and the physics of solar movement. The stones were then cut to avoid dividing any individual name on the plaza so each man gets his day in the sun.”

The Memorial is one of the larger granite memorials in the country, containing 327 cut stone panels weighing more than 215 tons from the Pyramid Blue quarry in Elberton, Georgia. Because of this weight, it was by the grace of God and a naval aviator’s sound calculations that the sundial gnomon worked. It is precisely accurate paying tribute to each fallen Kentucky Vietnam veteran on the actual date of his death by casting its shadow on his name.

On this bright sunny September day in 2014, on a Frankfort, Kentucky, hill overlooking the steel gnomon, I stood in the back of a tent full of people listening to Joe Galloway and thinking about a time 50 years ago when I too was like Hal Moore – a young Marine full of love of country and zeal for our way of life and willing to serve in Vietnam only to return a year later, as my concerned mother commented, fundamentally “changed.”

With me this day is my stepson, Shelby Sears, a VMI graduate and Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, now a man of 33 years, a husband with three small children, only 9 years only when he first saw the memorial. Tim Meshingpoosh came over from his Frankfort office also to attend the ceremonies. Tim is working with me, like Joe Galloway and Hal worked together, to write my memories of the Vietnam War. Geoff Pinkerton came out also. A few years ago, Geoff was my assistant who added a great deal to me and my law practice. He was kind enough to leave his Frankfort office and join me back here at the memorial. Though in good company, I found myself missing my 92-year-old friend, General Hal Moore, who could not be with us.

Today, I am changed. I am not the young man who left in 1967 for Vietnam. The years have bought a shift in my perspective on war generally. I would now say there is always a way to avoid conflict, but the young are easily incited to battle. They are ignorant of war’s horrors as well as their place in the larger design made by those who never marched or ever will. I am no longer angered by those who did not go to battle for their country. Sadly their easy citizenship in this free country is cheapened by this omission.

I will always remember the valiant South Vietnamese I was honored to fight alongside. They were selfless, brave and true. Many suffered under Communists oppression for their stand during the war after the US left their country in 1975 at the fall of Saigon. I recently located Pham Van Sat, a South Vietnamese Marine I fought alongside during 1967-68. After a phone call reunion, he sent me a letter last month from his son’s home in New Jersey where he is living. He wrote:

“My dear “dearest” Ray,

“I was so happy – extremely happy to hear again your voice – after a long time – disconnected. We had a lot of service together – in Marine Corps Schools – Quantico, Virginia (1964) – Oh! my god – 50 years ago! We had “bitter-sweet” service in Vietnam – I was wounded 4 times. I had surgery (operation) at my belly. I remember you joked “Ho Chi Minh Trail.” I tell a little bit about my family. I have 5 kids (too much!) – a lot of “night-shift”, one daughter, 4 sons. They live around here. Two youngest – boys, still single – three others married. We have 4 granddaughters. How about you? I think the same! I settles in USA (NJ) in 1991 – my brother-in-law sponsored my family to come – I’ve worked many jobs – CNA (nurse assistant) in nursing home, housekeeping in golf country club. I’m retired not – my works in the past were hard, but at least I had money to send my sons to colleges. My four sons were graduates from colleges. My wife worked very hard too – labor job – menial work! You know, Ray, in Vietnam, before 1975, my was was a lawyer!!!!! But a different language, different customs, different food, different weather – too cold! Again, I’m so happy to keep connect with you – my only American friend in this country!

“Sat. V. Pham”

Despite the reception US vets had returning home from war, there was routinely a bitter reeducation experience for South Vietnam vets, like Sat, who fought against the communists. After camp survivors relocated to other countries, they weren’t able to reengage their lives as we did. They began their lives all over again in a foreign land.

I remain proud of my service and proud of my stepson’s service for he surely followed me to the sound of the guns. For as long as Shelby lives he can respond “present” forevermore at the calling of the roll for all who served. His children will also remember his having done his duty when the country called upon him. The love story both the US and South Vietnamese militaries share is the same for all those who serve. It is captured in the word General Lee described as sublime this is simply doing one’s “duty.”

The 50th anniversary commemoration of the Vietnam War here on the Frankfort hill gave me opportunity yet again to sort through what may for me always remain the “fog of war.” Among my reflections of this day, beside doing my duty and the honor from serving my country, I have to say it was quite a thrill these years later to have helped create this special place of remembrance for those who did not return home to Kentucky from the jungles of Vietnam.

Semper Fidelis,

Colonel Ron Ray, USMC (Ret.)